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With today’s technology criminals are able to create malicious emails that look identical to
the real thing. We suggest you question everything that comes through to your inbox. One click on a
harmful link is capable of causing significant business distruption and financial loss.
This week we have received alerts that scammers are now exploiting LinkedIn’ s popularity in
order to fool end users. LinkedIn is a very popular site and well known to everyone in the business
field. The scary thing about this week’s attacks are that they are not spoofed emails, they
are really coming from LinkedIn. Hackers found a way to manipulate this website in order to attack
innocent victims.
Attackers are using this website in order to attempt phishing scams. First the attacker will find
someone who is associated with a well-known financial company. They then target the individual with
phishing attacks in order to gain any valuable information. LinkedIn profiles can provide the
attacker with the little bit of information they need to sound convincing to the target. The last
few instances that occurred involved the attackers scamming employees out of their credentials. With
the credentials the attackers are now able to gain network access to important data.
The scam can also work the other way. Criminals could also pretend to be a higher up at a well-known
company and target individuals seeking employment. They could possibly convince someone who is
vulnerable to give up valuable business information.
Phishing scams that come from LinkedIn are a major cuase for concern because most network security
devices will allow legitimate LinkedIn messages through their filters because they are actually
coming from the LinkedIn's servers.
The best form of defense against these types of attacks that circumvent automated security systems
is user awareness. In order to prevent these types of attacks we suggest participating in our
security awareness training program offered by ICS. This program is geared to find your phish-prone
employees and educate them about safe email and internet practices.
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