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How Does Your Company Rank In Terms Of Technology?

information technology

There all different types of businesses out there, all having different strengths, weaknesses, wants and needs. But one thing is certain, technology is present in every business, office, cubical, and meeting! Technology is everywhere. Although technology is a part of all businesses, it serves a unique role in each. Most businesses will generally fall under one of three categories when it comes to their technical needs. Companies can be either technology strategic, dependent or adverse. Take a look and find what category your company can relate to.

Every business should strive to fall under the technology strategic category when it comes to their technology. This will help give your business that competitive advantage that it needs. Strategic technology minded businesses embrace technology advancement and use it to make their business better. This means that they are always looking for ways to use technology to improve their business processes and increase workforce efficiency which enables them to serve the customers better and become more profitable. This relationship with technology will ensure that your company is ahead of the competition. Businesses that practice technology strategic philosophies are not scared of change and the unknown, they are willing to accept the fact that technology is constantly changing. In order to succeed today you must embrace these advances and use them to benefit your business! The faster you accept this the faster your company will succeed in today's business environment. Every business that is looking to grow and thrive should take the technology strategic approach.

Next down the line are the companies that fall under the dependent category. These are the businesses that use new technologies only when they have to. Dependent companies would probably prefer to stay away with advancing their technology, but the industry they are in demands it and their business will sink without it. This causes them to do only what they have to. The problem with these businesses are that they will never pass the competition, and excel in a technical world like the one we live in today. They are doing the bare minimum and are not fully embracing the potential improvements that technology will bring. Dependent businesses do not realize that technology isn't avoidable, it is a necessity for a successful and growing business. These companies feel like it will cost them more money for IT infrastructure improvements when in actuality a large portion of these technical advances will actually save them money in the long run and help them to become more profitable. Advancing your technical capabilities will make you look more professional and help bring in more potential business. With technology being so relevant in today's society, a potential client will be able to tell if your business is lacking in this department. If this is the case, you will probably hear that they took their business to one of your competitors who fall under the Strategic technology category. Don't be afraid to dive in head first and make all the necessary technology advances.

The last and subsequently the most embarrassing category for your business to fall under would be technology adverse. This category is for all the old timers out there who want absolutely nothing to do with modern technology. These are antiquated businesses that are stuck in their old ways and have no intention of embracing newer technology. They refuse to keep up with the current times. This is very harmful to their business because there will be a time when they become completely useless in their field and their business practices have been outdated. This is something that will turn off current clients and they will not be able to take you seriously. If your business falls under this category we suggest that you make drastic changes to your network infrastructure or throw in the towel and submit to your competition. We say this because there is no possible way to keep up in the business world without learning and fully embracing these new technologies! These outdated businesses will be fully replaced by newer technology strategic businesses who are open and willing to accept and embrace new technology!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: (201) 720-3775

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